2.2 Liaison with the Mine Action Community in Cambodia

Humanitarian mine action in Cambodia had already been underway for approximately 8 years when this survey was initiated. Large mine clearance programs were being implemented by CMAC, MAG and HALO Trust. In addition, Handicap International (Belgium) had for years been working with the Cambodian Red Cross (CRC) to establish a surveillance capacity for long-term tracking of victim information. The Cambodian Mine/UXO Victim Information System (CMVIS) as the HI/CRC project is called produces monthly and annual statistics that were and still are widely relied on by NGOs, UN and government agencies. In general, the development assistance community was already informed and engaged in collecting and disseminating information or otherwise responding to the problem of mines and UXO.

In light of this established capacity and relatively high level of existing information there were concerns voiced by those within the mine action community that the work undertaken as part of the National Level One Survey would be redundant and wasteful of scarce mine action resources. Consequently, one of the first challenges faced by GeoSpatial was to assist the community to understand the particular goals and outputs of the Survey that would improve general understanding of and long term capacities to systematically respond to the mine/UXO problem.

It this regard it was stressed that the National Level One Survey Project would produce a methodologically consistent, quality assured and controlled 'snapshot' of the location of mine contamination and its socio-economic impact at the village level for the entire country.

The survey would overcome existing problems associated with:

Inception Mission Meetings

The inception team met with all major mine action organizations dealing with both clearance and victim assistance with the objectives of:

In-depth consultations were held with representatives of the following organizations:

[1] decisions made by the donor and primary Cambodian partners initially worked against this objective.

Next Section - 2.3 Developing the Questionnaire
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